Edwardian hotrod speed machine!

You sir have an intriguing mind! Monks and parmesan wheels.... utterly awesome👍
There's no doubt about what they are, the question is why you're forging these near pagan symbols in your shed. If you're starting a cult, can I join provided there's free drink?

Also, don't knock parmesan cheese wheels. When the carbon craze ends that's what we will all be riding, hence the fine Italian folk have now been aging 700c wheels for the last decade.
Now then what do we see here 🤔


I see fat!

I'm losing some weight....

So Nocim can to 😁

The steel Cable guide works really well better than a wheel....which I tried but just didn't want to play ball with my index shifter!!? It was a quick get it done see if it works I know it works let's make something to replace it .... something a more pretty and lighter 👍

So we start with a chunk of aluminium drill some holes countersink the seatpost bolt and do some roughing out ....raise the mount flange for the seat bolt to pop thru...

Then some finer detail work...

And some even more finer detail and it's ready for some brass cable guides to be pushed in 👍



And that's 37g saved ..... 😁

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