No rhyme no reason just 1 Retrobike pic per post.

What forks are those?
Hi, sorry for the late reply,
actually I personally find the hole bike very interesting, it's a JM Bike Racing, seem to be a local Spanish brand. I found a test in a Spanish magazine from 1991.
Sure, it reminds with oversized frame and fork but also the one-piece handlebar stem unit quite a bit of a Klein.
JM Bike Racing (wie Klein) Test Bild1 aus SoloBici Magazin 7 1991.webp
JM Bike Racing (wie Klein) Test Detail aus SoloBici Magazin 7 1991 translated eng.webp
(text translated with Google)

and last but not least this another great shot, just to stick to the topic here
JM Bike Racing (wie Klein) Test Bild4 aus SoloBici Magazin 7 1991.webp