No, I don't have too many bicycles. Until it's time to move house

Moved late last year after being in our previous house for 17 years. When the removal companies saw what we had in the garage/shed/garden our quotes doubled! They ranged from 4.5K to a crazy 20k!!!

We moved lots of crap we didn’t have time to sort through and 9 months on in our new place we still haven’t dealt with it!!! 😱🤯

Good luck with it all LGF, it certainly isn’t easy! 💪🤞👍
Do what I did - we moved to Scotland, (work) and have a cycling yard sale for all the bikes/gear/ clothing surplus to requirements. Advertised it on Gumtree and the local cycling websites month before and managed to shift nearly all of it in a single morning. We offered tea and cake so a lot of cyclists rocked up on bikes Didn't get great prices, but it was a relief to see it gone!