No Anjou Vélo Vintage in 2022


Retro Guru
Those who like a little cycling with their wine are going to be disappointed. Email just arrived with the news that there will be no AVV this year but they will be back in 2023.

Reports in the French press have highlighted issues with the tender process for an organiser to run the event for the next four years. Hopefully this will get sorted out soon.

In the meantime where to instead? Retro vélo? pedals de clip? Eroica Germania?
Yes, that was an e-mail I wasn't waiting for. I was really looking forward to that weekend in Saumur.

As a possible replacement the Tour de Rance was suggested by a friend. Of the ones you mention, I am only familiar with Eroica Germania. Was there last year. A much smaller event, but quite nice. And lots of wine. :) I will probably attend again this year.

BTW, Eroica Limburg, another of my favorites, seems to have totally vanished. No mention of it anywhere on the Eroica site.
I’d forgotten about the Tour du Rance!

I have done a few Eroica Limburg’s and the ride is great but have fallen out of love with it for reasons I cannot fully explain. . On the subject of disappearing events, there seems to be no sign of RetroRonde either.
The RetroRonde is mrs non-fixie's favorite event, and for good reason. It is the perfect blend of all elements that make these events so much fun, including a sense of humor that is not found elsewhere.

My favorite pictures of the last edition, in 2019, are probably these. I had a laugh with one of our fellow-participants, who showed up for the ride with a well-preserved, but small-ish Le Faucon:


I was surprised as well as very impressed when I met him again at one of the checkpoints. He had actually arrived there before us:

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The Tour de Rance 2022 would certainly be worth going to,but unfortunately the website states that there is still some uncertainty about whether Covid safety requirements will prevent it going ahead.There will be some news at the end of March.
Such a shame about Vélo Vintage- it was fantastic last year!
Thanks for this - I hadn't know about the existence of the Tour de Rance...and it's only a short ferry ride for me...strokes chin.