Nigel Dean ‘Edge’ Vintage Racing Bike (1988)

It's more of an audax type bike than a full race bike, but I had one of these back then and it was one of the best riding bikes I ever owned. I tried to get another some years later when mine was crashed, but to no avail
And I did many Audax rides with it! I guess the threaded mudguard lugs make it an Audax type bike...
I loved my Edge, one of the comfiest bikes I've owned. Was a bit too small for me, otherwise I'd still have it.

I think the £70 I paid for it is closer to the mark, though.
Yes, they really are comfy. I would hate to think my Edge would be bought and stripped for it's frame but surely the frame on its own must be worth more than £70..?
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Personally I wouldn't sell a 531 frame which appears in really nice condition for £70 unless I desperately needed the space or the cash. If that's the state of the market, I'd hang onto it till another day. Anything comparable new is a few £hundreds.
FYI I'm re-posting the bike today, describing it as an Audax bicycle and dropping the price. Hopefully someone may be interested...