Difficult choice, there were some very nice ones...
I had the same doubt when assembling my Zaskar. I had some Hopes (for me the best) but being an American brand I thought about assembling some Salsas (brutal). But in the end I left it for another project. Then I thought about the Ritcheys (beautiful) and in the end I opted for Kore. I chose them because in their time they were very good components and because many Gt models originally used components from that brand.
Good luck with the difficult decision
Thank you very much
The truth is that I saw many very nice Zaskars and it was difficult to choose a way to make it a little original
In the end I thought that since I already had a 100% European bicycle I wanted to make a bicycle with many U.S.A. components.
GT is a brand that has used a lot of liveries based on the stars and stripes so I customized it in that style
Wheels...life is strange sometimes and that idea occurred to me and just the first ones I found in blue with yellow spokes and a very reasonable price. I guess I would have been a good boy this year and that was my gift. https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/story-of-a-summer-love-gt-zaskar-1996.481170/