Thanks guys.
I've had a look through the Hope site as suggested, but I must confess that the various standards etc are entirely new on me so I'd appreciate a little clarification if you don't mind.
This: ... sembly.pdf
would seem to suggest that number '5' [QR Pro 4/EVO Front Conversion] [HUB419] would work.
The hub I have, in simple non-technical parlay, has a hole through it which a 20mm external diameter tube that passes through, with caps that screw into the tube at each end.
The fork ends are circular and the tube goes through these too, before the screw on end caps are fixed in place.
The kit above would seem to suggest that rather than the hub being supported along its full width [as the current tube does] it would only be held at each end, with the new caps which [presumably] have a 20mm external diameter and slide in in place of the tube.
Would that be correct?
And would the hole for the QR axle be the same as what I'm used to in terms of internal diameter, so I can use Ringlé TiStix, or have the QR standards also moved on and those QRs wouldn't be thick enough along the skewer to sit in the holes correctly?
And, and, and... would the support ends of the caps which sit in the fork dropouts be the correct size for old forks - i.e. 9/10mm?
Cheers - every day's a school day!