Newbie looking for first project - Marin Bobcat Trail


Retro Newbie
Hi guys,

I'm looking to buy my first project, I want something half decent for a charity run on road/trails in September and at the same time want something to tinker with over summer. I've got a Carrera Virtuoso road bike as a daily which serves me fine for any commuting so I can spend as much time on the bike as needed.

I've been offered a Marin Bobcat Trail (about 1994?) for around £100. I thought this would be a decent buy given it's ready to ride away? Would leave me to just spruce it up a bit instead of building it from ground up.

Is this overpriced? Does anyone know if the components on this are half decent? I've got no idea what components are worth looking out for!!

You can check what components were stock on it by looking at bikepedia.
imho it's a bit expensive for the age of the bike / kit on it and you should be able to pick up something better if you look around. I don't know, but just feel maybe £50-£60 is more appropriate for that type of bike of that age.
The thread a couple below this is a 1991 GT Karakorum which has got better parts on it and the guy got for £70 on ebay.
Welcome to Retrobike! If you want to know more about a specific bike, you can always check the Gallery & Archive (see top of page or click this link:
Then you go to the manufacturer archive -> Marin, and go through different brochures till you find your bike. That's a simple way to check the year of the bike you want to buy, and to look at the original specs. Price is very depending on the condition of the bike. (Rust, rim- chainring- chain- tire wear end so on...)
Good luck!
Welcome, there is nothing wrong with a good old Marin (my mates other half loves her 1991 Palisades) at a price point though. Personally I would say that the Bobcat is worth no more than £40 (judging what I paid for my Pathfinder which is a similar level and spec) and for £100 you can get some really nice stuff (I paid £70 for my Sorcerer and that had full Deore LX kit on it).

Welcome on board mate! As the other guys said that's very steep for a bobcat which is about as low as it goes on the Marin pecking order.

you really want to be looking at Bear Valleys possibly even Eldrige Grades for that money.

On that note I've got 5 bear valley frames that I'm about to build for friends but one of them has upped the budget so I'm building him a Killer V, this means I have one spare Bear Valley frameset I was only charging them £100 so if you want the spare one I'll build it up for you for the same price.

PM me if you're interested, if not keep an eye on ebay you should be able to get a bear valley for under £100 I'm only charging that as I'm rebuilding them, replacing worn or broken parts truing the wheels replacing bearings where necessary etc.

Agree with the above. I've picked up bikes that look like new and have better spec for less then half that. Early 90's Saracen, Diamond Back and the better Carrera's seem to offer the best bang for buck.

Think a very tidy Marin Eldridge that was for sale on here just made less then £100 on ebay. ;)
Hey guys thanks for the advice! I have bought the bike but for less than the original price. I've paid a bit over the odds but at the end of the day I'm happy with it and I need it soon to start training for a charity run so time was of the essence (and I kept losing out on eBay which was a tad frustrating!)

Hopefully I can use this bike to learn a lot about components etc. And I'll hopefully be able to spot and pick up other bargains in future to offset any overpayment here!

I'll get some pictures up and hopefully start a bit of a tidy up thread on here to get some advice on how to keep the bike in tip top condition.

Thanks again!
It's not a bad idea to have a heavy bike for training anyway bud so when you get on your proper bike it'll seem really easy going.

Also if you're not fussed about cosmetics look for a frame with a few dings in it I sold an eldridge grade frame to a guy on here for £15 because it had one in the top tube.

Once you've got a reasonable frame come back on here and see if anyone has any parts for karma, I'm currently sifting through my bits box top give one of the lads a groupset for his bike, they won't be top end and may be a little tatty but they'll be as good or better than what you have on the bobcat.

Have fun!
