New to the forum - Klein help please.


Retro Newbie
New to the pardon the lack of retro knowledge

A friend of mine recently popped round to mine to get his M3 welded :roll:

He saw my klein as it was down from the shed getting a dusting down and suggested I check this place out.

A bit of history .... First proper bike shop I went into when I was a nipper had one of these on display and I fell in love. Fast forward 10yrs later I have one in my hands. I know the mantra was a love or hate bike and its not as old as some of the lovely bikes on here :oops: . However im looking for some help to making sure I have the time/ date of the parts I have built the bike up with in the correct ball park.

Specs include
mantra frame
pace rc36 pro class
middleburn rs3's pace outer and middle rings modern middleburn inner.
thomson stem and post
hope hubs (blue flanges)
answer hyperlite bars
xtr 950 levers
xt shifters
xtr951 v's
xtr 952 mech
CK headset
ritchey logic pedals
xt 8spd cassette

I think the rear mech is out as it has 9 spd on it. the rest I dont know I purchased them from other forums etc when I thought they looked like they were from the correct year etc.

Any help would be much appreciated.

pics show the bike

I dont know what make it is, but its just for show, I use a different one for riding the bike....

I dont want to make her boobs dirty :LOL:
Check out this link: (Note: it only goes up to 1999)

You can go to a particular year and then find out the make/model of all the various bike parts available for that year. Then pop over to eBay or the For Sale section on RetroBike and search for the parts.
I have a stack of 1998 catalogs with the complete OE spec on your ride. Can post that info if it would be helpful.