New Retro Road Event August Peak District

Paid my entrance fee for the ride a fe weeks ago. Today I got a refund without a word. Must have been cancelled. Either that or they won't allow foreigners like me anymore ;-)
Not heard anything from Pat about cancellation but I'll try and find out tomorrow. He did say a couple of days ago that there were only about 20 entries which is rather disappointing.
Old Ned":8d3jgeji said:
Not heard anything from Pat about cancellation but I'll try and find out tomorrow. He did say a couple of days ago that there were only about 20 entries which is rather disappointing.

Still waiting for news.
Old Ned":10zwvwbl said:
Old Ned":10zwvwbl said:
Not heard anything from Pat about cancellation but I'll try and find out tomorrow. He did say a couple of days ago that there were only about 20 entries which is rather disappointing.

Still waiting for news.

Spoke with Pat this morning and he says the event has been cancelled due to very few entries. Very sad as a lot of effort went into its planning. Hopefully the organisers will try again next year with a bit more notice and publicity.
Sorry to hear that, too...I'm only a few miles down the road in Leek and hadn't heard of it.
I've got a spare room, a sofa bed in the lounge and plenty of room for camping if they re-organise next year.

All the best,

the event has been cancelled due to very few entries
No mention of numbers registered, but hey ho...posted on the Fulcrum Events website:
It is with great regret that we have made the tough decision to postpone this year’s event. The feedback we have received is that the course is simply too hard; with climbs too testing for old school gearing and descents that would not be safe are on the likes of Delta brakes.

All the brave souls that entered will receive a full refund and we would like to thank you all for your support. Now we’re going back to the drawing board to see if find a more suitable route and come back next year.
All the best,