New order, new colors!! Redesign Rocky Mountain tilted seat clamp.

This is what I'm going to produce. Very close to original with some improvement ( 3 mm widder in height to better brace the ST).
M6x20 Ti bolt. Please, If anybody has some doubt or find some mistake. will be appreciatted.
I still do a small step that can be easily removed. It doesnt ad complexity at CNC because it's flat, not tilted machining, and you have a reference when installing.

Edited: I deleted the files. I need to protect a little my Intelectual property.

30.0 mm ID unit and 31.8 mm ID unit.
@Steelfriend2001 . Here it is all the info about mods. Its not exact to the original to avoid their weak points and keep price low. But difficult to see diferences if you don't have the old one next to it!
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I'm ordering a new batch because red and black were sold out, and I think there will be demand in next 30 years....
There is the option to anodise in other colors, like magenta or green. Any one has demand of some of them? I can order different colors in same batch , and now it's the time.