New laptop time...

I bought an Acer laptop back in 2008 to take round the world, thinking if it gets robbed no worries. Still using it four years later. It had an infestation of tiny ants but nothing else has troubled it, despite being bashed about with no cover in my backpack. The battery is the original, still doing two hours on a full charge and the only issue was once the heatsink came loose, and a few keys have come off now and then, blame my ham fisted typing style.

My experience is that a mid range, mid price laptop can be a decent bet long term. Things have moved on since ten years ago, when you had to shell out serious wedge to get performance + reliability.
I used to swear by Toshiba but haven't used one for a few years. Now I would say either Lenovo ThinkPad or Dell.
Lenovo have the build quality at a premium price, Dell have the value for money.