New here: Nishiki Alien Build

incorrigible":1mavaz3q said:
FlightPilot":1mavaz3q said:
Ok well Im back at it.... Does anyone have a paint code for the Alien green? (I went to the automotive paint supply we use, and their paint match scanner, just went nuts and said "NO")
I have to have my welder repair the cracks and Im going to have him just do them from the inside, Not sure if it will burn the paint....

I could be wrong, but from what I can tell looking at a green Alien frame that I have, the paint appears to be multi-stage; the first stage being 8) chartreuse 8) , and the second coat being a candy yellow with either pearl or very small metallic bits, or both.

Trial and error is probably the only way to match that paint, and make sure the trial paint dries before making a decision because wet paint looks brighter than dried paint.

House of Kolor (HOK) has a tremendous selection (in fact, probably the BEST selection) of automotive-grade paints, metallics, pearls, etc.

Both Coast Air Brush and TCP Global are distributors for HOK paints, and TCP also has their own "in-house" brand of competing products.

Here's a link to a starter kit offered by TCP Global:

As for decals, I have read countless posts on RB about the high quality of the decals produced by RBer gil_m, so I'd say PM him for more info. After applying decals, a catalyzed (hardened) clearcoat applied over the entire frame will protect both the paint and the decals for a long time.

If I were you, I'd match the paint, and then strip the frame completely and have it repaired, and then start over.

Best of luck to you, and of course we'll want to see pics when you're done.

I have used HOK on frames and parts in the past. But they wont work here.
Its brighter than neon Green, it has much more yellow in it. (tough to tell in the pictures but neon green is Too green/dark) I have used a lot of paints from Auto-air Colors, Here you can see some comparisons. the color I came up with (sans the gold pearl yet) was 2:1 neon yellow:neon green.
But its clearly a 2 stage basecoat/clearcoat, the pearl is not separate.


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OK SO I figured out the paint, pretty simple actually... Turns out that it is neon green a little bit of gold pearl. yeah I know sounds obvious, but what threw me is that the paint is LIGHTER than regular neon green. So I added some neon yellow, and this got the right shade BUT with out the gold pearl, when I finally got the gold peal it made it even lighter.
So then I tried Neon green only and just added the gold pearl and that was it, the pearl lightened it up a tad. and that was it!

Also Gil_M on here is your man for decals, I think if you google 'Retro Decals' you should find him...
Ok here it is as of today, not exactly where I want it, but Close, sill want the Yellow maguras Early XTR front der, Gold or blue or purple, Seat QR seat collar.
I have a Syncros Ti, seat post but I need the correct shim.
I also Have a New Amber Tioga psycho K tire. debating whether to use it, If I cant find a second one.
OR those Red Hot-S tires you see in the back ground.
so the basic specs as it stands.
XTR shifter, Der, cassette.
Revolver cranks
Machine tech hubs (T-30) Mavic sunset 217s, with Ti-die bladed spokes in the rear, Ti QR's Not sure who makes the skewers, think maybe Curve?
Odessey Svelte Pedals with Ti spindles! (also have a couple pair of Time ATACs one with neon green inserts, and other with brand new blue inserts with Red bearing collars)
Stem is a Answer DH stem One shortest one I could find with a face plate.
Answer Protaper riser bar.
and DH3 Marzocchi of course.
Oh and also you see a set of Custom anodized Turbo Cat Headlights, that I just put a 6v halogen from a NiteRider and a Phillips LED bulb from the hardware store (using a 7.2 RC car pack, makes them brighter)


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I think Im going to re start my anodizing set up, so I can ano the BB cups Blue and The spider 3d purple. and maybe redo the Lights in Dark red.(how they were originally pictured in Mountain BIKE mag when they first show the prototype in 96, but they only made them in black)

Thought I would show you my alien that I've been building for the last year or so, luckily it's original paint and in pretty good condition, I have another alien frame which has been refurbed and was painted black so gonna use this one as a colour match, I think I've done a pretty good job, just need to source a decent stem, let me know what you think


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