new club somerset and surrounding


Retro Newbie
hi all i have recently got into cycling i have bought an 80's peugeot that i ride and tinker with i also attended bristol jumble.I have found it hard to find human help(internet is great i know but sometimes you need a hand ) i speak to the odd cyclist and they may have advice etc which is great, me and my friend ride together but thats it. SO im always on here everyday i love it, i found a few people saying not much aimed at "south west " clubs jumbles rides etc and some clubs and groups seem up their own ar *e ! .I have been toying with the idea of posting this ad for a couple of weeks i live in burnham and I think me we whoever should get together and start something lets face it we could all do with some help now and then we all love bikes and its nice to have time away from the wife ! (sometimes) also im sure there will be loads of banter lots of tea biscuits beer or cid'er to enjoy ! an all round good laugh so come on my fellow cyclits he he lets make it HAPPEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :p
I live in Glastonbury and have a PUG!


I live in Glastonbury and am a keen cyclist and professionally qualified and experienced race-bike mechanic too (although not for a living - there is no money in it) so if you fancy getting in touch -
