Following discussion between the mods and a few recent events we have decided the classified section needs some formal rules.
- All adverts to include a price.
- Parts must be in owners possesion before offered for sale.
- No trade ads. Mail for trade advertising details.
- Dibs are non-enforceable and strictly at the sellers discretion.
- Abuse of classifieds will result in a temporary ban at the moderators discretion. Two misdenmeanours will result in a permenant ban.
- It is preferred that all adverts include full details and a picture.
- All adverts to include a price.
- Parts must be in owners possesion before offered for sale.
- No trade ads. Mail for trade advertising details.
- Dibs are non-enforceable and strictly at the sellers discretion.
- Abuse of classifieds will result in a temporary ban at the moderators discretion. Two misdenmeanours will result in a permenant ban.
- It is preferred that all adverts include full details and a picture.