New but good dilemma


Dirt Disciple
I have a Kona Hei Hei that I love but I stumbled upon a local seller with a Voodoo D'jab. I have a Voodoo Loa too. I really would like the bikes to match but I am torn. I need guidance. Do I go with two Joe Murray branded bikes or one Kona and one Voodoo?!?! Decisions Decisions Decisions! I hope someone buys it so I don't have to think about it! There may be a 17" hei hei on the market soon! :?
Why do you want so many bikes? You can only ride one at a time. ;) :LOL:

This from a man with 4 Trimble :LOL:
Sell the Loa - never sell the Hei Hei. (Unless you're really into CX, In which case buy the D'Jab and keep all three - you can never have too much Ti).
hot is gone my friend! My parents say I am coming to my senses after being in university for so long. I say it's more of a matter that I hate having 75K in debt! Anyone in need of a gas gas trials motorcycle? LOL The Hei Hei will be the last thing to go!