New Bike Stock


Dirt Disciple
Does anyone know when (or if) stock levels for new bikes are likely to be replenished? My son is looking for a bike, sub £500-£600, but stock levels for anything remotely decent is still scarce.
A few of the shops local to me are shutting or slowing down their workshops over the next 4-6 weeks as due to them selling EVERYTHING this spring/summer they've ordered huge amounts of 2021 models. So they'll be building dozens of customer pre-orders and shop floor stock. Not taking in so many repairs etc.
(a mates shop has about a typical quarters worth of sales in pre orders to build in 2 weeks, if everything turns up!)

I would expect you'll be seeing the same sort of time scale in the UK. Mid/late September.

Thanks mattr, I am hoping that will be the same here (in the U.K.) and that 2021MY stock will be plentiful come September/October. I fear that might be optimistic though.

To judge from the shop window absolutely full of bike boxes at my local Cycles UK, Specialized and, especially, Trek, are managing to ship some bikes. No idea what price bracket they were in though. Might be worth checking their websites. But I should have thought a secondhand Boardman might be a better bike for that price bracket.
They are coming in now, normally next years stock would be autumn in time for xmas pressies but a few are managing to get them in early, my mates shop has just got an allocation of 2021 Trek, which are flying out....
Re: Re:

CassidyAce":1ypxqjt7 said:
To judge from the shop window absolutely full of bike boxes at my local Cycles UK, Specialized and, especially, Trek, are managing to ship some bikes. No idea what price bracket they were in though. Might be worth checking their websites. But I should have thought a secondhand Boardman might be a better bike for that price bracket.
Yes, keeping my eye out for second hand, but I hadn’t considered Boardman. If he could get something in budget that is reasonably lightweight with a decent fork and 1x drivetrain he would be very suited.