Need some info on OLMO bike & Campag parts

I actually bought this bike quite cheaply with the intention of getting it working so I could leave it at a friends place near Toulouse, so I had a bike to do some of the Pyrenean Cols on. So it won't get used a great deal if that's what happens to it.

However I do want the the brakes to be fantastic, because it will get used on mountains.... That's why I'm questioning the plastic brake levers a bit. I'm not quite sure what calipers to get (it came without) I'm looking at Centaur, which are around £35-40 new now. WHat do you reckon ?
I reckon common sense should tell you that Campagnolo aren't going to sell levers that snap when you use them. I doubt you'll notice much difference between, for example, Xenon and Centaur callipers: there are greater gains to be had from good pads and cables.

Yes, you can use the Xenon mech with 8 speed shifters. However 8 speed kit is pretty sought after (much of it is C-Record era) and you'll pay a premium: I would be looking to replace the wheelset for 9 speed instead as you already have 9 speed shifters.

For the mountains I'd also prefer a compact chainset, but if you're not going to get much use from the bike you might as well stick with what you have.