NE&YORKS Noggin and Natter


on youtube at the mo;the tdf route from leeds to Harrogate
hell of a day out for all the riders;assumeing they get out of leeds with a bike :D :D :D :D :facepalm:
got the link off onone bikes

Been out today, the location to be kept quiet for now, until it's all sorted. It basically was all sorted but a vital section is under going work and therefore no-go.
All the same i got round some of the other sections and got lost too. The pud stop is sorted anyway, lovely grub.

It's a new location for retrobike and has some knockout double track and tasty singletrack too. As soon as the 'lost' section is ready i can look at the calendar and get it planned in.
After the rain we've had there was some real soft bits but the hilly bits were rather dry,

Anyone else managed to get out? What are the trails like out there?


been out over last few weeks;coast road on Monday up to blyth from Tynemouth
hart to haswell today its an old railway track; everywhere seems ok
off to kildale and round there tomoz over the moors :cool:
looks good where you were hope for some sun now

just a thought ;been looking at the pics in this latest mbr
and they have a article on a sportive;
on sunday june 15th they have one on moors and shores think its near dalby
anyone doing it?
adverts in the mags and cycling weekly

I'm not doing very well here!!!!

Firstly, I venture to holmfirth to recce up a ride that i'm aching to put on. Only to find the trans penine trail closed off (i mean, properly closed off) WHY? to make the surface better i have used that stretch in two consecutive years and, it's alright, typical sustrans double track stuff. I'm not going to rubbish their reasons for the works but to close a four mile stretch completely just takes the piss!

shame on them.

Next up, woodhall bridge, collingham/east keswick. This was closed may 2013 and caused a big road detour. The work was expected to last 3 months....still shut, their not even digging, drilling, stood looking at it...just closed!
The bridge is an old victorian thing and is no mean feat to put it right. You see, the bridge had started leaning during winter floods 2012/2013, it needs attention, no doubt.
So, i asked a local gentleman walking his dog if there is an alternative bridge to allow me to re-plot the route. The only alternatives were ones i already know and cannot recommend. Also he concurred that the works is at a standstill and way beyond expected completion. His knowledge was that west and north yorkshire council officials cannot agree on who pays for the work as the river the bridge spans is the west/north yorks boundary.
Great isn't it! Welcome to yorkshire and enjoy the bridalways and various cycle friendly trails, if they are open for use :roll: AND as a result of non-usage, the trails are overgrowing now and my lower legs have been wrapped in nettles, big style :x

The bleedin' TDF is a cycling event. These ignorant and lazy councils want to get things sorted. Same old Routine maintenance would prevent most issues but they wait for things to decay beyond use first. Yes, i'm well pissed.
We go out of our way to get rides put on with very limited time and resources, these set backs you can do without!

On a positive note, i have another ride around the wetherby area to put on shortly, look out for it. :)

On the up side all the TdF roads[\i] are all loverly and nicely layer and very flat*. That why they have no money for the commoner

Take it to the rambler and councillors. Should be web pages to ask questions by now.

*having just been along the Dales ones.

last few weeks have had some great rides out;
but today was one of the best, did the national route from the other year.
around swaledale started out at reeth and got to gunnerside for coffee and a sarnie
only missed out the last bit to grinton by the river'
top day out. :cool: