Nasty surprise in seat tube


Devout Dirtbag
Long time no post. After a retro bike hiatus I have recently started a couple of new builds after some crazy eBay action.

Recent purchase was an unidentified Kona frame that was very poorly described on eBay. I'm fairly confident that what I managed to buy is a 18" 1994 Explosif with a very bad paint job and no stickers. It has the fluted Tange down tube which is what first piqued my interest. Unfortunately it has the rear eyelets which ruled out it being a hot. The other dimensions and diameters point towards Explosif so fairly happy.

So I began thinking about a new build. What I would use and how it could look. Frame taken back to Steel and then clear coated? options, options, options.

Then I decided I would go down a quick build for a hack up to the station - it looks rough so shouldnt draw any attention. A build began and the seat post was dropped in. That's odd - doesnt seem to go down far. Let's have a look in the seat tube....

....uh oh. The remnants of a very mangled and what looks to be hacksawed seat post stuck about mid way down.

Which (in a rather long winded way) brings me to my question. How the hell do I get that out!?

I will try and snap a few pics and post up when I get home tonight.
From your description, the best way is to use a Caustic Soda solution and etch the remains out. The Caustic will only react with the aluminium seat post and dissolve it, the solution will not damage the steel or the paintwork in any way.
First, this must be done outside as the gasses are very nasty; also safety goggles and glove are required.
Next, fill any holes the down tube with silicon rubber, the caustic will not attack this. The rubber can easily be removed after. Don’t forget to fill the hole in the bottom bracket and the small holes where the seat stays meet the seat tube (if there are any).
Mix a double strength solution and pour into the seat tube and watch as the chemical reaction takes place, the area will become hot, when the solution has stopped working; this may be several hours depending on the solution strength. Empty the sludge and spent solution away, down the drain.....
Repeat until the inside is nice and clean, rinse well with clean water, grease and fit the seat post of your choice.
And I thought the spider's nest in the seat tube of my ClimbMax was bad.
Slightly OT but I once got a nasty surprise in the head tube of a bike I bought on Ebay. While taking it out of the box I noticed a dead spider in the head tube. I tried to fish it out with my finger but it was too deep. I finally go it out with a screwdriver but it was a very alive Black Widow! needless to say I was surprised!
