I bought a cheap Narrow Wide chainring on Ebay in black, which was pictured as being nearly all black with a little bit of writing around the edge.
The one that turned up however, has garish branding over a large section of the chainring.
I am trying to keep the moving parts/ bars etc on my build 'all- black'so my question is:
Can I flip the chainring (unused) and run it so that the side without the logos on faces the outside, and the logo side faces towards the frame?
I can't see that it's machined to be driven only in one direction, but someone might know better
The one that turned up however, has garish branding over a large section of the chainring.
I am trying to keep the moving parts/ bars etc on my build 'all- black'so my question is:
Can I flip the chainring (unused) and run it so that the side without the logos on faces the outside, and the logo side faces towards the frame?
I can't see that it's machined to be driven only in one direction, but someone might know better