My wifes new bike, another ebay purchase :D


Senior Retro Guru
My wifes first decent mountain bike was a Kona Lavadome she'd only had it for about 3 months when she was run over on it and it was written off :shock:

Whatever bike she's had since its always compared unfavourably with that first Lavadome :?

So I was looking on ebay the other day and saw a Lavadome exactly the same as the one she had :) but the seller wouldn't post and it was in London :?

I eventually persuaded him to post it if I won it and waited for the auction to end :) then I got called to work and forgot all about it and missed the end of the auction GUTTED!! :(

Then a few days later I had an email from him to say the winner had backed out of the sale so if I wanted it it was mine :)

I'm going to build it up as new and she can have it for he birthday in June :)

But if she liked bikes then you'd end up doing stupid things like me - getting "Rosie" decals made for my wife's new bike.
That's only if she's as weird as my wife and gives them names of course......

Worth lots of brownie points though :cool:


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