My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)


Kona Fan
Here's some of my artwork that i dug out of my parents shed recently- it's been there since i was at school/ college in the mid 90's.

First is a Minty i did in 1993 in graphics pen for GCSE....


Second is another Minty in acrylic again in 1993...


Note the Barkleys cash point :LOL: always a Jo Burt special :D

I took these pics on my mobile, so they arent great- but i'll be bringing the whole lot home soon and then i'll be able to get the SLR on them.
I have a load more to follow if popularity demands it ;)

What do you think?
i like them, i recently found loads of my old art stuff full of sketches etc, rek we should make a proper thread :D
longun":23cg3blp said:
i like them, i recently found loads of my old art stuff full of sketches etc, rek we should make a proper thread :D

Im up for that!
Mint needs his own space on Retrobike ;)
Wow they look really good, looks like you have a bit of a skill there, i fail at drawing stick men personally lol :LOL:
Damn you and your pen handling skills! I used to try drawing Mr Sauce but always failed miserably.

I agree though, I think this site needs a little minty corner. Maybe his own page in the gallery...
Finally iv'e had the time to photograph all my artwork that iv'e now brought home from my parents loft.

First offering for you Retrobikers is this Mint inspired acrylic painting of a Trek 9500 from ooooh 1993.


Yes that is a Tour De France king of the mountains jersey ;)