My Repack Ride

totti1978":hytbm0a9 said:
UK retrobike road trip to Fairfax anyone??

it was supposed to be this year in september for the OWMTBC11 but not enough people could or would commit, i was gutted when it was cancelled
Ahh, Damn shame!
This year is a definite no, all holiday allowance is taken... next year however... :wink:
Great write up, thanks for posting up. It's pretty cool when you can hook up with some of the sports founders for a ride 8)
Until I read jamie's story, I didn't realize how much of the ride is me lecturing on what we're looking at. Rocks, trees, flowers, local history, whatever. Jacquie Phelan is a never-ending source of amusement. The fourth rider, Sarah M, is working on a PhD dissertation on Mountain Bike Culture, and what better way to do research?

I had to use my photograph of an unusual plant we spotted to identify it as a reasonably rare species, a Coralroot Orchid. Made my day for sure.

As Rob Penn and Jamie and a couple of guys from another UK MTB site have found out, if you get as far as Fairfax, you'll get the ride you're looking for.
Not worthy of a new thread, but Repack related, I received this from Joe Breeze:

Any thoughts on the following?

------ Forwarded Message
Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 07:04:48 -0700
To: Joe Breeze
Subject: Repack nomination as a California Historical Landmark

Hi Joe,

Has there ever been an effort to designate Repack as a California Historical Landmark? Any chance you might be able to help with a nomination?

The process is outlined here:

The Fairfax Chamber is planning on building a sculpture on Bolinas Avenue that will recognize Fairfax's roll in the birth of the mountain bike. It will probably take 3-5 years to raise the money and have the sculpture built. It would be great to have the sculpture completion coincide with a Repack landmark designation.

I was thinking it would be at the bottom of Repack, which is Open Space land. I think it would be easier to get their buy-in vs. MMWD, though MMWD may go along if OS does.

Let me know your thoughts.


A local artist who does wonderful public art is working on a monument/memorial to the Repack event, a privately financed mosaic on a wall in Fairfax. The first fund-raiser for subscriptions to the work will be held July 10, and my new band will make its debut then.

We are the Mark Twang Band, and the initials MTB are just a coincidence, but one we plan to work with . Here is the poster for the event.

Very cool CK, reminds me of the Airplane, Big Brother and the Holding Company, and Dead posters from back in the day. Wish I was a few thousand miles closer, I would make a point of getting there. You playing that Godin? I sold my Godin a while back and am in complete regret, had such a sweet board on it. :)

Actually now I look again it looks quite like a bit of Crumb or Shelton!