My original 1991 Diamond Back Topanga returns home...


Devout Dirtbag
So I bought this actual bike new in 1993, it was a reduced old model and I remembered DB from my BMX days. I wasn't overkeen on the pink bits but it was well specced for the small budget price it was (about £200 I think)

I sold it to my dad in 1996 when I bought my new Carrera Gravity and he used it for a few years and then my brother had it from about 2001. He then lent it to someone that had no transport in 2010 and that was the last I heard of it until a month ago.
My brother had bumped into this friend and asked him where the bike was....still in my shed was the reply. So my brother got it back and has given it back to me in exchange for another bike.
It's looking a bit worse for wear but mostly all there and original. The tyres are shot, the cables are seized and the decals have faded on one side, I guess from being in the shed for so long.
Good to have it back, I look forward to rebuilding this one. :D






Cool. I'm hoping this happens to me one day. The nostalgia from an old steed returning in a used but mostly original state.