My old Orange Prestige enquiry


Dirt Disciple
The old Orange Prestige that I used to own was sold on e-bay last year by the guy I work with, (after I gave it to him to use to commute on, rat)!
Anyway I was wondering if any of you guys had purchased it, the frame number is A1094197. If so you might be interested in viewing the pictures I posted in the users albums our adventure in Mallorca a couple of years ago.
The old thing served me well for a good few years and I would be interested to know of its whereabouts now. Cheers Guys. :)
Nice bike - coincidence with another thread started by kafer-k, your 1992 Prestige has almost identical serial number as his, showing that it was built in September 91.

Your 97 Explosif is the first I have ever seen with a mudguard like that!

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