My Giant ATX DH 1


Dirt Disciple
hello all, i recently purchased a Giant ATX DH 1, have wanted one of these since they came out, so after some searching recently i found this

Gave it a machine polish, came up well!



Currently have the rear shock removed and away getting serviced, and rear brake removed, looking replacement.

plans are to get it back up to standard and use it alot more.

Hey, sweet looking rig. I'm thinking about an ATX1 in the future. Can I ask, is the shock a rock shox pro deluxe? If so where are you getting it serviced? Cheers
Thanks, id recommend one, they are class! it is a Super Deluxe, there is a local guy servicing it for me, i asked alot of people and alot said no, so i hope he can do it alright. i may have to get a replacement yet!
I know what you're saying, I need my pro deluxe serviced and a lot said no, I've have to buy a service kit myself then I'll send it in with the shock. Please let me know how you get on.
oh lovely, where can you buy the service kit for them? i here they are handy to service yourself, but i wouldn't take on the task!
I'm actually still waiting for it to arrive, I got it from Petra cycles £35. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the pro is nitrogen charged so I think I'll send it to TF TUNED.
aye thats decent enough price for the kit, must keep in mind if my guy (Moto Shox, Gilford) not sure if they are both nitrogen charged, good idea.