my fuquay, all finished

Re: fuquay

took the frame to work today and had a bash at removing the seatpost, well, what a c**t of a job that was!!!! ive had it soaking in penatrating oil for a few days and even added more when we got it into the workshop and in the vice (mines broken, please santa :) ). after a few pull n pushes the post started to spin freely, but only came out about 7mm. I was dripping with sweat at one point and nealry gave in but we filled the tubes with oil again and went for a you do. came back after 30ish minutes and i had another go...........hey presto it started to come out again, left after 2 mins of spinning and pulling it removed itself!!! happy days. looked down the tube and there was no obvious reason for it not coming straight away, possible rust binding? i know the frame got REALLY hot during the removal haha. the post was already bent and ive properly crushed and mullered it now so a new 26.8 will be ordered in the new year.

also while cleaning my workshop this afternoon i had time to ponder the colours, really like splatter effect and looking on google images has filled my head with loads of ideas.......most unfortunelty are beyond my skill or patience. ive settled......for now, on yellow with blue, red and black effect. going to do the bars and stem aswell to give it that proper custom look. what dya rek?

if i get chance going to remove any last bits of green and prime this weekend and make a shopping list :)
Re: fuquay

It will look good in the splatter effect especially with the bars and stem done as well.
Recently on a build thread someone had their pace fork crown paint matched as well.
Would look really good if you planned on keeping the paces :) .
Re: fuquay

small update, frame has been primed to stop any surface rust over the holidays

when i have more time, primer and paint et ill give it a proper going over. the bars and stem ive purchased arrived, bars were silver anyway so a quick rub up and theyre in primer as well, stem is er.....getting there

popped into the local bike shop this week and ordered some rims and spokes that'll get built into some luurvely hubs next month, forgot how expensive new stuff costs haha, but theyre building them for nowt so happy days.
also collected a few bits from the varied boxes dotted around, front and rear mechs sorted, shifter and cantis/levers sorted, new post arrived and looked into bottom brackets/bearings for the tioga revolvers. only need a few bits n bobs such as headset,saddle and grips etc so looking good budget wise. hoping to get everything primed and main top coat applied over the next 2 weeks.

Fuquay's are great, I wouldn't be parted from mine.


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Still sourcing a few parts. Grips, headset and post arrived and now I really need to finish stripping the stem and getting them primed and painted. Being ill over the holidays didn't help :( fonna drop the hubs of this weekend also.....hopefully haha
Re: fuquay

not really, wheels are in the shop being built, frame is currently green as the grey primer and yellow paint wasnt thick enough, which aint a bad thing as theyll be around 10 coats!!!!

need some more paint and hoping for it to be yellow by mid next week......:)
Re: fuquay

Never spotted this thread initially, oh my fuquay'ing word, that thing is huge, even youre going to need a stepladder to mount that beasty lol!