My ein? Bike, The First. 29er

Its nice to look at but I wouldn't ride it. Hes good at making bikes that look nice but I fear that frame will fail very quickly if ridden properly. Looks very :cool: though.
mikesnowdon":zim8hfq6 said:
Its nice to look at but I wouldn't ride it. Hes good at making bikes that look nice but I fear that frame will fail very quickly if ridden properly. Looks very :cool: though.

The frame is very strong, is true.I use it to buy bread. :oops:
I reinforced the chainStay, I have pieces of aluminum welded and reinforced with three-component epoxy.


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mikesnowdon":27ukppv2 said:
Its nice to look at but I wouldn't ride it. Hes good at making bikes that look nice but I fear that frame will fail very quickly if ridden properly. Looks very :cool: though.

+!...I think you've added more than enough stress risers in your re-creation. Tubing size is engineered in frames. Diameter, how it's ovalized, wall thickness, grade of metal. You take a big risk when you tale a can opener an start cutting into a frame regardless of how much you feel you've reinforced it. My guess is the chain stays will go first, especially if you plan to do any off roading with it.