My dad's old bike - help!

That looks to be a far superior model to your old one and I would hazard a guess at it being the 'Professional' model or similar. It has Nervex Professional lugs, 531 butted tubing, sloping fork crown and 'shot-in' seat stays, all details relating to a quality frame. Very nice. However, the detailing does not point towards an '85 build - and were Carltons still in production then? Nervex lugs, no braze-ons etc. look more like a 60's/70's build date.

And are those tubular tyres I see? Vittoria Rallye?

And Campagnolo brakes and seatpin? Excellent!
Doesn't look like any Carlton I recognise.......looks more like an early Harry Quinn with those lugs and seat stays. I wonder if the forks match ?

Maybe Spokesmann can help ?


That stay treatment was used by Carlton on the Giro D’Italia model in the late sixties, so it is a possible. Terry
OldTel":f3aebrak said:
That stay treatment was used by Carlton on the Giro D’Italia model in the late sixties, so it is a possible. Terry

That's probably the model I was thinking of, the Professional had plain Prugnat lugs I think and was a 70's model.

HQ didn't use the reinforcing 'plate' under the seat lug on their 'shot-in stay' design. Look at the one on W Blenkin's current For Sale ad.
Nice frame, although the decals are later, post 77 design. Nice pastiche though!
Thanks guys

So it's a carlton then? and maybe a Giro D'Italia from the late 60's, early 70's?

Yep has Vittoria Rallye tubulars, mavic rims and sr hubs

Any ideas where to get a Carlton badge for it and one for dad's old bike?
Typically there are a fair few head badges cropping up on ebay, also bike jumbles - typically there's some bloke with a grubby cardboard box full of them.