My bikes.

Love it. I love functional bikes! Does it have a reverse gear for parking?! I guess loaded up it could do with some stand of some sort. Guess you could fit some form of centre stand to the trailer section...
Reversing 🥵 not tried it loaded. You can't feel it on the bike as seen. Bit of a faff to connect up, much shorter than a small wheel trailer and narrow enough to go up the side way, which I can't do with a two wheeled trailer. I'll stick a dummy load of 15kg in panniers and see what it does.
@bikeworkshop glad it amuses you 😁
Very nice! Would be cool to match the bike's wheels and fenders, though, for a proper bespoke look.

It also reminded me of this picture of the Charrel family on vacation.

"What's that squeaking noise?"
"That's your mother in the trailer"

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Thanks mate. I love Charrels work. A nice stainless steel mudguard wouldn't squeak and rattle like that either, would also look great as you say.
Reversing 🥵 not tried it loaded. You can't feel it on the bike as seen. Bit of a faff to connect up, much shorter than a small wheel trailer and narrow enough to go up the side way, which I can't do with a two wheeled trailer. I'll stick a dummy load of 15kg in panniers and see what it does.
@bikeworkshop glad it amuses you 😁
I had a single wheel trailer for hauling kids. At least your load will sit still, Lil Thundrrr found it tremendously amusing to shift his weight drastically at random times. As for reversing, it was a tremendous pain in the buttocks backing it out of the garage connected. Much easier to attach it outside. A solid double stand on the bicycle really helps with attachment process as well.
I wanted a tandem trailer for behind the tandem bike, but the Lovely Ms Dice is wiser than I
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I had a single wheel trailer for hauling kids. At least your load will sit still, Lil Thundrrr found it tremendously amusing to shift his weight drastically at random times. As for reversing, it was a tremendous pain in the buttocks backing it out of the garage connected. Much easier to attach it outside. A solid double stand on the bicycle really helps with attachment process as well.
I wanted a tandem trailer for behind the tandem bike, but the Lovely Ms Dice is wiser than I
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I ran a single trailer bike like that. Very good fun, we could get some speed up. I could rest and number one son at 10 years old pushed me along easily.