My Bianchi Steel


Hi, It's a XL Boron steel reparto corse, not many of em about, and the tubing is paper thin so not too heavy :)
Nice, I must admit my next bike will have to be a steel Bianchi, but finding one for a short ass like me is harder than you might think . . .
Nice bike, wrong colour! Bianchis should only be made in Celeste!!! Only joshing, very smart!

OMG, is that Shimano on a Bianchi??? :evil:

Yes its shimano!! :shock: but it came with it and i aint got the budget to change it,besides , i'm not sure i'd get on with the "thumb" shifters on Campy!! :LOL:
Nice bike, but the look is too 'busy' for me. I am a simple soul and like silver cranks and mechs, hence the Centaur for my birthday.

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