My 1992 Kona Kilauea


Dirt Disciple
Right then - I've been meaning to do this for a while. First, some history:

Back in 1992 (as a 14 yr old lad) I was fortunate to get a brand new Kona Kilauea. I had a few happy years riding it until ultimately at I properly succumbed to the lure of fast cars, beers, clubbing and faster women ad stopped riding the bike.

Sadly the bike lay relatively unused for 3-5 years so I figured it deserved more and gave it to my dad. He subsequently got a number of good years use out of it until he fell off fording a err, well a ford and he broke his femur. That was about 2003 if my memory serves me correctly. Since then, it has stayed in his flat unused for 10 years; until now.

Two years ago my wife did an incredible thing and bought me a new bike for christmas (2011 Giant Trance X4 since you ask). After about 16 years off riding bikes properly I'd forgotten how fun it was and have spent the last couple of years reacquainting myself with a sport I used to love. I'm now very much back in the swing of things and my attention has turned to the classic that's been sat gathering dust.

Which brings us bang up to date. My dad has just popped down to see me and the family ahead of Christmas and has brought the bike with him. It's not pristine, but not bad and should form the basis for a great bike whatever I choose to do with it. I'm thinking of a modern take on the bike and will hopefully ride it on a regular basis commuting to work a couple of days a week.

I'll aim to update this on a regular basis but in the mean time, here's a few (rubbish phone shots) of what it looks like now.

It came down looking like this:

Having put it together it's in the shed looking like it very much belongs there

Seems I updated the rear mech to a newer LX (from original Deore DX)

It's running some Dave Hinde Mavic 230s on the front

But original rims on the back (I think!)

Also seem to have uncovered an original Equilibrium front tyre as well as a panracer smoke dart from the period...:

Flight titanium transalp on it:

Still got the Dx thumbies and front mech:

I think the frame is straight and despite some chips there doesn't appear to be any major rust (fingers crossed when I give it a proper check over the next few weeks).

So anyway - hope this is of interest and look forward to any advice and thoughts as this retro bike mallarky is all pretty new to me :)
Looks great, I picked up a 92 Kilauea last weekend from another RB member - completely original and, like you, I'm looking forward to giving it a good clean!
Hope you Dad's femur fixed ok. I'd be for stripping, cleaning, checking and replacing bearings, cables, pads and such if needed then riding as it is. Nice bike - if it works I'd not be in a hurry to change, repaint etc.
Thanks for the tips guys! This weekend I'm going to head out to buy some degreaser and some boxes to store the stuff I take off. Then I'll set about a proper clean and figure out where I stand with the frame.

Re my dad's femur, technically one leg is slightly shorter than the other now(!) and so he walks with a (very small) limp. But that could just be because he's technically a pensioner now ;)

Sadly he hasn't ridden since though which is a bit of a shame. Maybe I can persuade him to get back out when I fix this!
Nice project.
I remember when these came out, the Kilauea was a new model for 92, is that right? Slotted in above the Cinder Cone??

It just needs the 'Joes clips', 'Combo cage' & 'Maximum/Reaction' blackwall tyres.
I was led to believe that the Kilauea was second to top of the steel range, right below the Explosif?

Reading your story reminds me of mine soooo much, rode everywhere in my youth, then discovered cars women and beer and stopped riding!

Back into riding regularly, slowed down on the beer and selling my car this weekend, all in the pursuit of bikes and more riding, good work matey stick at it!
Re my dad's femur, technically one leg is slightly shorter than the other now(!) and so he walks with a (very small) limp. But that could just be because he's technically a pensioner now ;)

Sadly he hasn't ridden since though which is a bit of a shame. Maybe I can persuade him to get back out when I fix this!

Would be very cool if you Dad did get back on that for a wee ride but suggest he avoids fords. First time I ever rode a mountain bike I fell in trying to ford the Feshie (Cairngorms) in March. Bloomin' cold. My old boy had one short leg due to polio as a kid. He rode and hiked all over Scotland. Died a few years back at the age of 95. Told great tales of bike trips involving acetylene lamps (there's retro!), fixed wheels, canvas tents and youthful shenanigans. Anyway, enjoy fixing that up and riding it.
Crikey I've neglected this thread over the winter. However, all is certainly not lost on the bike. I spent the time cleaning it up and fettling to a point where it was good to get back on the road again.

Here's how it started before I cleaned it



I found the original Maximum front tyre, so stuck that on. But also whipped off the SPDs as I currently don't have any appropriate footwear. At this point I have stuck a spare set of flatties I had lying around on so I could at least get around on it.

I then replaced all the cables, gave it a degrease and fitted a BNIB set of XT V-brakes from about 1999. No doubt some will not like the movement away from original, but I want to ride it regularly so am happy to make a few tweeks.

Leaving it looking like this.


Until tonight I'd only ridden it down to town to get a coffee


And show my local bike loving mate (I felt 11 again), which made me realise just how different it was to my main ride (full suspension Giant Trance x4 with PLENTY of upgrades)


That was until tonight....

I've just come back from one of the most enjoyable 12.6miles off-road in years.

I started at dusk and ended in the pitch black which is always a bit more fun (I have pretty epic lights) but I was absolutely astounded how much fun I had because I was riding a 22 year old bike that is worth about 1/3 of what my main bike costs.

As you well know, it's fully rigid, has "only" 21 gears and the only upgrades from 1992 standard spec are the XT V-brakes, the totally knackered welgo flatties, some sketchy rear tyre and the 1993 Flite Titanium Transalp saddle.

I can honestly say the retro-bike experience has me sold. It's totally totally awesome. Its SO efficient on the climbs and through the switchback singletrack near me but takes zero prisoners so forces you to be on top of your game. It's certainly put a smile on my face although probably taken a few years off my back life expectancy.... :D

I'm pretty sure it's going to be my midweek ride from now on and am SO pleases I got it back riding again.

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