Musical instruments

Nice set up. I see you have a B pro one … nearly bought one of those earlier in the year. Also clocked a Korg sq1 there … fun little sequencer 😁
Yes the pro one is a good little synth i have A RD 9 ,909 clone
I see you have pro800 and a RD 8 are you finding the the pro800 is there much menu diving ? Sq1 is quite fun i sync it with the clap channel on rd9 and trigger the pro one and a moog werkstatt .... For bass lines
Im running an Arturia keystep as master and that runs sequences into a moog little phatty tribute ... Waldorf blofield wavetable for pads fx
All that goes into soundcraft mixer , with eventide delay reverb
to a yamaha 16 channel recorder ...
I run my guitars and effects though a direct injection box straight into the mixer
And jam over the mix its lots of fun ..
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Yeah, love the pro 800. It’s an Amazing synth for the money. Menu diving isn’t too bad really. .. I’m slowly over writing most of the dodgy presets with nice phat pads. That said It can’t beat the pro one for bass sounds!! I’m aware the pro one is also great for percussive sounds due to the fast envelopes. I think it dropped right down in price earlier this year but prices have risen again to almost the same as new prices. I may end up buying new but I’ll keep my eye on used priced for a while… I’m not in any hurry. I noticed your RD9 tooked underneath there 😁The RD 9 took for ever to come to the market so i ended up getting the TR8s (for 909 duty) instead… now that does involve a lot of menu diving 😖 Everything is sequenced by the mpc one which replaced a Yamaha qx21, bought new in The 80s. I have 16 channels of digital audio I can record simultaneously in cubase on the laptop. I have no delusions of making music for any reason other than as a hobby these days😊
Yeah, love the pro 800. It’s an Amazing synth for the money. Menu diving isn’t too bad really. .. I’m slowly over writing most of the dodgy presets with nice phat pads. That said It can’t beat the pro one for bass sounds!! I’m aware the pro one is also great for percussive sounds due to the fast envelopes. I think it dropped right down in price earlier this year but prices have risen again to almost the same as new prices. I may end up buying new but I’ll keep my eye on used priced for a while… I’m not in any hurry. I noticed your RD9 tooked underneath there 😁The RD 9 took for ever to come to the market so i ended up getting the TR8s (for 909 duty) instead… now that does involve a lot of menu diving 😖 Everything is sequenced by the mpc one which replaced a Yamaha qx21, bought new in The 80s. I have 16 channels of digital audio I can record simultaneously in cubase on the laptop. I have no delusions of making music for any reason other than as a hobby these days😊
I bought my pro one used for 160.00 pounds few years ago , i haven't been watching the used market in months
As ive promised myself no more instruments , this hobby is more expensive than our beloved push irons ..
Saying that i did have my eyes on pro800 for quite a few months ,would look great sitting above the pro one
The only synth i would buy now iif Behringer ever release their VCS-3 clone . Been waiting a few years for Putney clone..
For me this is only a hobby too ,my raving days are long behind me ..
But as for self expression this hobby is hard to beat ...
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Just bought a second hand Roland TR6-S drum machine. Know nothing about drums but started playing bass guitar last year. Fancied trying to do my own drum tracks to play along to. Picked it up on eBay for £40 under the average selling price, so good chance I’ll break even when I get fed of it in a months time. 🤪
Just bought a second hand Roland TR6-S drum machine. Know nothing about drums but started playing bass guitar last year. Fancied trying to do my own drum tracks to play along to. Picked it up on eBay for £40 under the average selling price, so good chance I’ll break even when I get fed of it in a months time. 🤪
Great things for jamming along -- but beware becoming so involved in programming the drum tracks, you don't practice bass. I speak from ancient experience. (Of course, in these modern times, maybe you don't have to programme it? Can you just download ready-made drum tracks?)
(Of course, in these modern times, maybe you don't have to programme it? Can you just download ready-made drum tracks?)

No idea! Like I said I’ve really no clue about these things. Will be fun finding out though.
Doing a blues course at the moment and moved from basic major/minor into variations. Course has backing tracks but all full tempo. Just wanting to program some basic tracks that I can slow the tempo of. Current track is a rumba blues which switches to straight blues for the middle section. Difficult finding a drum loop online with the same timing.
Likewise, I’m also dipping in and out of a soul and rnb module. Stax record section has some pretty complicated (for my level) timings which I’m hoping will be easier to understand if I can program a basic loop.

Pretty sure it will be back on eBay within 6 months, so many second hand offerings that I think other people have done the same. Price I paid, I break even or possible make a small profit.
Just bought a second hand Roland TR6-S drum machine. Know nothing about drums but started playing bass guitar last year. Fancied trying to do my own drum tracks to play along to. Picked it up on eBay for £40 under the average selling price, so good chance I’ll break even when I get fed of it in a months time. 🤪

You will have great fun. Drums are pretty straight forward if you just want a steady beat, useful too for bass players to understand.

I used to use youtube for backing tracks, just type in drums backing track and then whatever bpm you want and it will throw up plenty, you can add the style you want also but useful to play along with any style. I also have a Boss RC-2 loop station, really good for making backing tracks, again plenty of videos online about using them, as I imagine there are about your drum machine thinking about it now.
That’s the issue with these “do all” micro machines. Fantastic bits of kit But involve so much menu diving it’s unreal! I just picked up a Roland P6 sampler. Amazing fun but menu dive central