MuddyFox pathfinder bit of help needed

steve 1976

Dirt Disciple
Just got this off the forum for £40, Had one when i was 15 so got a bit of a retro urge.

Its in pretty good nick for the age, is it an 89?

Im going to strip it down and give it a good clean and there are a few things that it needs,

1, What size and where can i buy the head bearings

2, im going to replace the crank bearings which ones do i get?

3, the seat post is well and truly seized in any tips on getting it out

4, there are a few chips in the paint is there a way to build the chip
up so i can touch it up.

5, stickers where can i get them,

6, tyres which ones, will be used for light trails

7, are the original gears etc any good or should i upgrade to deore?

just thought i would add i know nothing about bikes other tahn how to ride them.

here is a few pics of the bike,

What a beaut! U brake vintage, love it!

To answer a few Q's in a swoop. I'd advise to love the patina. Enjoy the stories/adventures. Take it to bits, get nice cleaners and lubricants, and decent tool(s)/multitool, give components a good clean and re grease, new chain and stuff, grease the cables, and it should be good for a few more miles unless you find summat broken. A good Local shop should sort some bearings for ya. Tyres, we love the old skool here, but I wouldn't blame ya if you wanted a set of modern decent fresh tyres for serious greasy off road blasts, any good brand, Panaracer etc.


Oh and loosen off the seat clamp and spray GT-85/WD40 or similar down daily, it may eventually loosen, rattled about....

If you are replacing mechs, shifter and front brakes (the rear U looks to be a higher spec one) I would look for Mountain LX (I can help you with the LX stuff) or Deore II to keep it period correct but a bit harder wearing. Is the frame Tange Cr-Mo? If it is the LX or Deore II parts would certainly not be wasted on it.
After the Wd40 treatment on the seatpost I would probably clamp the post in my big bench vice and try easing the frame from side to side to see if it will twist, once you can twist you should be able to remove it.

Thanks for the replies :D

It is the tange cr mo frame. i will keep my eyes open for some deore
stuff then strip it down for a rebuild. :twisted:
Very nice

I'd say '89 was a good call, not sure for sure but a friend had a '90 model and that was blue.
another one! i have the identical bike, except with a flexstem i put on it as thats what i wanted when i had the same bike when i was 16!
will be interested to see your upgrades, as i have been contemplating a deore upgrade myself and want it more or less period correctish!
though having said that, since mine is not a show pony, and more often than not, a pub bike, (where it gets a lot of attention i may add) i have put on continental travel contact tyres, which are semi slick, but with knobblies around the sides and are surprisingly effective on light trails, up the malvern hills here!
there were many large chips on mine, too many for patina's sake, so i mixed up, you may cringe, deep purple nail varnish, without asking my sister if i could steal it, and black paint to the right colour, and did several coats to build up depth and fill, then a tcut, and some nice clearcoat laquer and the finish is lovely. truly. sorry if anyone here is horrified.
hey, im a landlord, not a paint guy!
double0ten":s2p84iz4 said:
another one! i have the identical bike, except with a flexstem i put on it as thats what i wanted when i had the same bike when i was 16!
will be interested to see your upgrades, as i have been contemplating a deore upgrade myself and want it more or less period correctish!
though having said that, since mine is not a show pony, and more often than not, a pub bike, (where it gets a lot of attention i may add) i have put on continental travel contact tyres, which are semi slick, but with knobblies around the sides and are surprisingly effective on light trails, up the malvern hills here!
there were many large chips on mine, too many for patina's sake, so i mixed up, you may cringe, deep purple nail varnish, without asking my sister if i could steal it, and black paint to the right colour, and did several coats to build up depth and fill, then a tcut, and some nice clearcoat laquer and the finish is lovely. truly. sorry if anyone here is horrified.
hey, im a landlord, not a paint guy!

thanks for tip mate, sounds like a good idea for stone chips, will give it go
there's not many so should be ok, its the decals im having trouble finding.
