Muddy Fox Courier


Retro Newbie

I have to confess that I am not a retrobike regular but am hoping that you will be able to offer a bit of advice.

I won a Muddy Fox Courier in a raffle at the weekend!

As far as I can tell it is fully original with Muddy Fox brand tyres, original grips, brake blocks, drivetrain, saddle etc. There isn't even any wear on the rims:) it does have a few scratches to the paintwork and some heel rub on the cranks.

An earlier version of this was my first MTB (all white with cantis front and back) so it is quite a treat to own it.

However, I am not sure I can justify the space it will take up in the shed. Is there much of a market for this kind of bike and any advice on its worth would be much appreciated.

Nice bike. Always wanted one as a kid.

If you want to know what it's worth you need to post in the 'What's it worth' thread ;)