MucOff sealant experiences.....


Old School Grand Master
Just back from a few very good days around Machynlleth - but goodness me Wales has some sharp bits. First run of Monday, 100m into the downhill, ripped block on new tyre on the Ragley mmmmmBop and Pffffft down goes tyre, and fast. Turns out I had left the topping up too late - around 6 months. Originally set up with Stans, all it needed was a top up and it sealed immediately. Next day in Coed y Brenin ... no problems. Then Thurs am at Climacx (brilliant trail) the Grom left MucOff sealant over every rock and his frame, after a sharp pointy triangle of rock put a 2mm gash in the tyre. It was no bigger than the hole in my tyre, but it just would not seal. The very messy process of inserting an inner tube proved that there was plenty of sealant in the tyre, and the wheels had been set up only a week ago. And yes, I shook the bottle before I installed it. The reviews I read before committing to MucOff said that it sealed better than any other sealant other than Stan's Race (and that's punitively expensive). But that's just not my experience....anyone else?

And yep, 500m further on from the scheme of much sealant and swearing, the Grom managed to hole the inner tube on another frustrating for him since he was going it was down to the emergency '29 tube in a 27.5 carcass' remedy. But the final run down was fun. Shame the entire mountain is covered with MucOff pink sealant...
I’ve run mucoff sealant for a year in my gravel bike and it seals bigger slices than stans. But it’s a nightmare to get off the bike.
I’ve used it also in my nee trail bike too.
I’d like to book one of these. When are they available?
Any waivers or ‘special’ equipment required?
No it's just an ordinary nee bike. Just spelt differently.

d8Mok - that's interesting. I relied on quite a lot of the reviews which really praised its sealing characteristics. Like this one:
The hole was a lot smaller than the one which was created in this video...

I wondered whether water made a was very wet on the trail, although not raining.
And it was warm enough, 12 deg or so....
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Water is it’s nemesis for sure. Obviously my Gravel tyres are thinner so pick up more slices but it was definitely a issue. The mtb has big thick Chucky tyres so I don’t expect I’ll have any problems.

During winter nearly every ride id have some sealant spray out. Wasn’t a issue as I had full guards but was annoying once they were removed.

Ive got stans in another bike which has been faultless. However the mucoff was needed on the gravel bike as thinner sealants didn’t stop the air leaking through the sidewalls. (Skinwall tyres you see )
That’s really helpful. I think i will drop a note to MucOff since it really didn’t work as it should. I have a really bad ‘sidewall leakage’ issue on the mmmmBop - a new and tubeless-ready Specialised which just constantly weeps sealant through the sidewall in a weird and distressing way.

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