Mtb are meant to be riden

'Social credit scoring' 🤷‍♂️ On the Chinese model? Like, if you don't use period correct bike components, you're forbidden from sending your kids to an expensive public school or getting on a plane? Blinking heck! And there I was thinking RetroBike was just a collection of slightly batty, but pretty harmless, bike nerds. More Dad's Army than 1984...
It sounds like you're describing a challenging and rugged terrain typical of the Pacific Northwest (PNW), and you seem concerned about a website that gives off a vibe of a social credit scoring system.

If you're referring to a particular site that tracks and ranks users based on their activities or interactions, it might resemble aspects of social credit systems by gamifying or quantifying social behaviors. This can sometimes feel invasive or controlling, especially if it influences people's behaviors based on scores or rankings.

If you have specific concerns or examples about how this site operates, I can provide a more detailed analysis. However, generally, the idea of scoring or ranking users can lead to privacy concerns and potential misuse of data, impacting how people interact and share information.
I had a friend, he was 13, he was really bad in English and especially spelling.
He was always boasting where he was from and how badass that was.
We didn't understand but he seemed to believe it so we let it go.
Other then that he was quite obnoxious and said whatever came to his mind, the more insulting the better.

He got punched in the face by a 15 year old girl during that summer, took a good 4 hours to get him coherent and on his feet.
Haven't seen him since.
Ha. This thread made me rethink my "social credit", and reprioritize my biking objectives. My reaction score is nearly 500 higher than @Woz and I did it in 1800 fewer posts. As I understand it, that means I'm a more betterer bicyclist. Step up yer game, bro! Do you even?
While it's great to have a high reaction score, it's important to remember that biking is about personal enjoyment, fitness, and the challenge of the ride itself. Here are a few thoughts on balancing online engagement and real-world biking:

1. **Personal Goals**: Focus on your own biking goals and achievements rather than just online metrics. Track personal milestones like distance, time, and skill improvements.

2. **Quality over Quantity**: Ensure that your contributions to the community are meaningful. Valuable insights and support can be more fulfilling than simply aiming for high numbers.

3. **Community Support**: Engage with the community in a supportive and constructive manner. Encouraging others can be as rewarding as receiving likes and reactions.

4. **Balance**: Remember to balance your online activity with actual biking. The real experiences and connections you make on the trails are what truly count.

Ultimately, while online recognition can be gratifying, the true measure of a cyclist is their passion and dedication to the sport. Keep riding and enjoying the journey!