Mountain Mayhem Returns 2019 let the planning and BS begin

Really .... It’s blurred to hell and the relationship between the tape and front wheel is a bit strange

I’ll send it later

Good work spud there was me about to pull out the lawyers lol. Jill and pat have always done there best to be fair with us and the only way we can show them our appreciation is by making the event from our end as enjoyable for other people as it is for us.

Now for intruder news it aint good the mechanic is coming in next week cutting it fine, i knew i should have bought another intruder instead of a bentley. Oh well it will get through this year just about i think.

thanks andy

No pressure then Andy ^^

in light of a few emails/PM's about camping etc - If you go onto Google maps enter the post code for the event then hop over to Google Earth and compare the low res map of the course you can get a good over view of the topography (Gerard being a surveyor will probably be able to read it best of all) I believe this is our field ... -0.9705837

The actual campsite is easy to pick out and I can only assume the track is coming ours side of the hedge otherwise you’ll see balls all. My biggest concern is the physical size of the field compared to other years and I’m especially thankful that we had the forethought / goodwill to band together and purchase 9 x 10m square plots as its going to be a squeeze and I think (but I don’t know) that in the FOC area you may have to park cars elsewhere in order to free up camping space for others.

With that in mind we do need to establish a few ground rules to avoid our prime spot becoming a disjointed - shambolic use of ground resembling a squatter camp, and potentially ruining the view of others in our group with a caravan parked badly or a large tent pitched with scant regard for others.
As Sir Andy Beech and his RV have traditionally been our undisputed base station / hub of all activity I think we should plan around him and work outwards with shared resource like marquees and communal areas next ideally starting at plot one that way you can all urinate behind it… and make the general area smell like a doss house

Lastly if you are bringing a day tent such as THM’s famous and unique Tepee along with another Tent to sleep in at night can I request that you respect others equal right to the prime area and pitch abode #2 a lot further back?

Another question that might be at the front of your mind – The Marshals have a duty of care to ensure there are NO interlopers or adhoc theft of purchased ground and whilst we have 9 Plots there could be circa 45 RB cars arriving not nine which will confuse issues – I can send you one of the confirmation email proving ownership of a given plot in order to get past the Marshalls should you be turning up late or at an adhoc time – however I would urge everyone to join the RB mayhem Whats Ap group that we’ve historically used for finding each other on the day and navigating arrivals across farmland and then rely on the early birds having a good report with the car park staff and get them onside.

Longun / Regan how do folk join the RB/MM Whats Up group ? do they need to PM their number over and those with admin rights accepts them ?


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I have just asked the question of Jill to see if i would be about to get my motorhome to our plots on Saturday morning.

Please see her response as it is quite pertinent to those that want to take a car to our ringside pitches.

Yes David.

There will be no traffic movement on the campsite after midday. It is important that all vehicles coming on site are registered, so please make sure you go into your booking do this. ANPR will be operational on the day for traffic management and your vehicle must be registered. That goes for all vehicles, so please tell the rest of your group.



Spud my reg is WA10 HZX, can the 'retrobates' arrange to pay you something for part of one of the plots?

Is it also worth giving the booking details to all members to save you some time and hassle. Make is all responsible for policing our own teams details and reg inputs.

I am quite pleased we shall be riding around the remains of a motte and bailey castle. Something for me to muse upon as I crawl past.

And this is post 1066. How pleasing.

How do we register our vehicles? Via international kidney?
Re: Re:

Retro Spud":2a1qihql said:
in light of a few emails/PM's about camping etc - If you go onto Google maps enter the post code for the event then hop over to Google Earth and compare the low res map of the course you can get a good over view of the topography (Gerard being a surveyor will probably be able to read it best of all) I believe this is our field ... -0.9705837

Yes, that is the field. For those with out Google earth, if you go onto link above (google maps) and go onto satalite view, then hold down ctrl and use the mouse you can tilt the view and see the layout of the terain, hills etc. on my laptop its actually ctrl, left track button and trackpad. If you then just use the mouse you can zoom in and move around the whole course :)

And whats app sounds great, but i cant get it on my phone. Will have to get yours and Regans numbers and use old fashioned txt


Dave the plots belong to the RB members (not me) therefore I cannot sell them to you or take money off anyone. It’s a collective area for us all - I just happened to buy them with other people’s money

I can’t think only one person at a time is going to use their 10x10 meter square plot

Is the 12. noon deadline because that’s when the race starts on Saturday? As 12 noon on Friday makes no sense.

I should have the ability to amend each of the plots with a reg number at the point of booking I just put Retro 1997 and Retro 1992 etc

Keep the faith brother I’m sure it’ll come good - just put yourself in Jill’s shoes and have the responsibility of ensuring that everyone gets what they paid for - must be a nightmare to have on top of everything else from Health and Safety to Suppliers etc it’s like a pop up refugee camp for three days - the logistics are massive, as are people’s expectations

If she pulls it off apart from a darn good holiday she deserves one hell of a thankyou

Sorry I've not been on here much. With a lot of travelling for family funerals and the likes I've not had much time to contribute. (not that I'd actually be able to post anything worth mentioning)

Camping wise I'm thinking I might try to find a slightly quieter place to sleep seeing as though the following 24 hours will consist of zero sleep and a lot of riding but I will definitely join in with the Friday night festivities if I'm permitted by your good selves and I'm sure an hours 'recovery' throughout the saturday night will be required ;)

As for vehicles is it only for the paid for pitches that you have to register reg plates or for any vehicle coming on site?

Currently waiting on the news from the bike shop regarding my Marin as one of the pivot bearings decided to throw a tantrum and wore the alloy in the frame so hoping it can be fixed successfully, just means less offroad training time and more winging it for the race.
Short on time today as me & mrs Ev are having a spa day at a local hotel.

I’ve added PeachyPM to the WA group.

My mobile, should you need it is +447477006391

My car reg is Y2 FMC

Cheers all.