Mountain mayhem 2019 aftermath thread

Hey how’s it going Martin ? ….. impromptu midnight fireworks in June !! Nah you must have sampled too much Hootch, we were all tucked up in bed 🤣

Yeah I miss Mayhem - a safe space to act like a teenager and talk shit all weekend
Yeah I'm in a lot better place now Nick, thanks for asking. Still a long recovery ahead but I'm already planning next year's goal ( there's a possibility of another 24 hour race - it won't be Mayhem but at least I have something to look forward to). Hopefully won't break my ankle at that one 😆.

I'm hoping to come to Malverns next year so might see a few of you there fingers crossed.
Unfortunately the whole 12 and 24hr endurance racing has all gone down the swanny for some reason.

The Bontrager Twentyfour12 went the same way mainly due to the newer organisers not having a clue but the writing was on the wall in 2018/19 when you could see the competitor numbers falling every year. It was a massive event that had the codos of running the course over a lot of the Grundig world cup course.
Too good to burn haha, I've still got the bag of fire wood and part of me really wants to save it for when we all .manage to get together again
That was the campaign chair.

I’ve been living in denial for years but seeing the campaign chair on the fire has brought it home to me - the Mayhem ship has long since sailed (or sunk)
I can still picture you and Martin discussing crap over brown sauce and bangers whilst sitting in that chair

So glad we got to live breath and experience Mayhem when we did (such happy days)
Too good to burn haha, I've still got the bag of fire wood and part of me really wants to save it for when we all .manage to get together again

Same here Chris
reading this tonight has made me realise I’m clinging to a pipe dream and maybe give my super dry wood 🪵 to someone whose got a real use for it
Just been going through the pictures on page 1 🥲

Miss Mayhem and all the bullshit and hype that used to start in January and slowly build as we got closer