Mountain mayhem 2019 aftermath thread

The History Man":5hgkapn7 said:
This time last week.....

That kinda reminds me of “this one time at band camp” reference

Finally pulled my finger out and sorted my pics

What a difference a week makes – sometimes change forced upon you can be to your advantage
With Si Paton choosing the exact same weekend as Mayhem to run his Malvern Classics at Eastnor it made sense that date for Mayhem needed to be moved and what a difference five days made. The Malverns got cancelled due to the bowl it sits in becoming a mud bath with all the potential of repeating the events of 2012 (Last time Mountain Mayhem was there) where it quickly descended into conditions that resembled Flanders in 1917

Below pic care of Augustus Martin.

One week of sunshine with only small periods of light showery rain and no hills to channel the run off into the camp area we were on dry solid ground with sun shine on our backs rather than rain coats - and a glorious cloud free red sky Friday evening gave a hint at what was to come

Despite arriving at 9am I was greeted by the advanced RB welcoming party – which was just as well as low profile sports tyres don’t like pulling a 1,550 kg tin snail up a grass hill, especially when the car has a laden with the RB marquee. Needless to say after much banter and equal amounts of prevarication – mixed with BS and endless insults and XC rally round the campsite I ended up parked on a downward slope to ensure a safe exit on Sunday

With No intruder to call Home Andy was keen to have somewhere to call home and get out of the sun, so the Marquee was first to be un packed – however Longun just wanted the much awaited Team shirts

Due to its size it soon became apparent this marquee was going to be like an Amish Barn building affair and require way more support… in the meantime the tallest guy (he of the fabled seat posts) and pitched with minimal effort his usual 1.5m pup tent

Closely followed by the Mark (Mk One) the world champ of packing and coercing two car loads into a small hatchback

Sam (Stodgy) super nice guy arrived and was uber keen to look and try out the bikes folk had brought, in fact so keen THM felt like he’s been mugged – I’ve no idea what Andy & Steve (MyTeenageSelf) were thinking, but as you can see Andy had already been driven to drink by 10am

With the arrival of a few more early birds – Barn building commenced under the supervision of Gerard and I have to say with one chief and compliant Indians it went up in super quick time

By 11am the campsite was filling up in the flat field (where sensible people camp) and all of them got to enjoy the wonderful vista of a broken down motorhome blocking one of the main entry/exit points at the top of the hill.

As soon as the barn / R.B Base station went up our very own resident DJ moved in with his mobile Fruit and Nut Disco©™ Discoteche complete with Gerards commemorative stickers

As in previous years Andy brought the obligatory washing machine drum – complete this time with half the drive mechanism that good old Danson soon set about removing

Friday afternoon pre-race ride out

Longun leading out Mike Muz and MyTeenageSelf

Mike Murray (Muz)

Sam (Stodgy)

Steve (MyTeenageSelf)

Chris (RetroYetiRigid)

G-Force Gerry

Clive (Kingbling) giving it attitude on the old Kona

Ted C

The official Mayhem Cameraman found a honeypot of antique bikes to capture – that duly appeared on their website and social media platforms

Sinnetts unmistakable Alpinestar.

Sunset Friday Night

And as the sunset – some settled in for a quiet night, others had only just started

Sam (Stodgy) jumping on Splatterpaints tip find Marin which he promptly stacked slamming on the brakes just prior to the woods which are out of sight in this pic

THM got out his mobile Christmas tree

And then Bullshit descended by the bucket load

by 2am after too much to eat and even more to drink things did quieten down a bit

Saturday Morning

THM dining like a True English gent whilst on campaign – complete with tweed,
Bacon, Eggs and HP sauce !

Others preferred a liquid breakfast – care of Mr Carling, however whilst sitting in a deckchair and cracking open a fresh can the fabric gave way on Andy …..I’ll let the pic’s tell the story taken shortly after Andy had covered himself in Carling that didn’t go down his gob half chocking him.

With the mercury rising Andy soon set up camp amongst his minions

The likely lads about to head to the start – SLM racing complete with a lid looking like a shark fin

Muz finishing his first (opening) lap – complete with the Le Mans run


Post race – My Dusty Endorphin

MyTeenageSelf on the Lotus©

Clive (Kingbling) awaiting his next victim to heckle / insult / cajole as they passed by the row of knackered old bikes abandoned trackside

Sometimes the natives got upset !

An athlete coming home on a Claude Butler

And encouragement was always in good supply

With so many victims and much mirth – some ate trackside, and when Andy supplied steak this size who needs vegetables ?

With the setting sun, Gruff stepped up to get the fledgling fire really going with a trusty can of GT85, probably not the wisest thing when your camped in a field of dry grass and with plenty of Hay about the place.

Eventually Gruff managed to put the fire out !

Another night another full on blaze complete with Steve in jodhpurs

THM walking his mobile Christmas tree back home !

Like a scene from 1939 but instead of a piece of paper in his hand this Chamberlin held aloft a crank

Despite several warnings from LGF regarding his personal dislike of all things Kirk - this is how I left my beloved Kirk before going to bed.

And this is what greeted my Sunday morning

Mind you the base for the fire bit fared little better

Sunday afternoon and with the Marquee down – Steve decided to have “a hand full of fruit” well according to family Fortunes USA - crisps are fruit

However what I really want to know is what father takes their daughter to a place where semi naked men do unmentionable things to a flag pole… what was xxxNick1975 thinking – what was his daughter thinking?

Clive set social media alight with his period get up and encouragement

And as a result the post race comments about the Retro encampment all shared a common theme – we helped give the event an atmosphere


Nice post Nick, plenty of pictures to look at.

We all like pichurs, init. Didn't know gruff was an arsenist though! :lol: I could use him to get a stuck seat post out!

Re: Re:

The History Man":1lqi86p5 said:
He's no Les Dennis.

Our survey says; Ah...arrrrr!
Re: Re:

any123":2l3wy2ub said:
Still traumatised

By what bit

Braking down right outside the event

Having a love fest with Jill

Busting my deck chair and spilling your beer

Being invited back

Letting off fire works and spoiling a lot of folks sleep pattern

Finding out it was only a blown fuse on the fuel pump and could have been fixed for 26p


All of the above?
Similar to Nobby, it almost feels liek I was there! Just spent a good hour or more perusing the fab photos and reading the posts.

Well done all of you!

Roll on 2020. Having read the great comments and seen the awesome photos of those of you in the RB jerseys, there'll be a revision to next year's design but I think we'll keep the colours and main layout. I look forward to working on it, and some other additions to make a full on wardrobe of MM2020 Retrobike/@retromtbofficial merchandise! Thanks again to those of you who invested in my idea. I really can't believe how good you all look in them! I'll save mine till next year, but hopefully we can have the same great weather in which case I'll order myself a short sleeve version. The only wear mine's had is by my daughter!


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