Mountain Mayhem 2015 - Team coordination and sign up thread

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The History Man":ljpzyhbb said:
Will you be knocking out any more dodgy sunglasses?

They broke on me i was not impressed but i will buy some more they did the job for the weekend and made me look amazing lol

Here's a slightly apprehensive, but at the same time excited RetroMIKE MUZ67, representing a small part of the South East

And by the end of the race, I will probably have a very small part! :lol:
Another year, another Mayhem. Seems like only yesterday I was meeting with such luminaries as Jez-2-Many-Bikes to compare our Fats over at Pat's previous Eastnor venue.

Looks like another good turnout.

If anyone has space on their ten man team let me know...

Otherwise assume we'll be over Friday. If anyone can get over reasonable (andy?) and stake out an area that'd be super.

Will bring some food and beers for a Bbq Friday night. Not sure if I'll bring the massive tent again, any thoughts? Sure we can all fit in Andy's Intruder if it's lashing down with rain again.

Anyone able to lay their hands on a music system?

Finally if there is interest and people are able to pre-order may do a run of MM15 shirts. Don't ask about design or colour because I don't yet know. Please post up with the size you want...
The History Man":1zk2rzxq said:
Has the course been published yet? Last year's spot was good I thought.

Not seen one yet. Will just do a lap on the Friday, that's my plan, big man

Hey guys, just thought I'd let you know that I will be bringing my workmate from NZ with me to mayhem, he's pretty handy on a bike and I'm sure he'd be up for a lap or 2 if anyone needs someone to do a turn for them, he's called Ben but he's known as B3 (he was the 3rd Ben to work at the shop and it stuck)

For the record we're both riding pretty strong at the moment and I'm thinking I might get the superman costume out again! :D
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