Motorcycle recommission project - Suzuki GS750

Like the thinking but usually zero rake cutting edge though. Have you tried one into hard metals?
Yep. It isn't perfect, but it's also there when you need it.

I've also ground one to cut left handed before now.

None of this matters to me though, I have a mig sat there, so I normally just weld something to the bolt and wind it out.
Some evidence the bike had some thought put in previously.

Head bearings are tapered rollers. I bought new ones to go in assuming they were plain ball bearings so will assess ( when I finally get this back on the road) if I refit these with fresh grease and carry on with them. No indication they are notchy and the races look good.

I was dreading taking the forks apart as I'd never done this previosuly - but it was in the end very easy. Just an impact gun and a 6mm allen bit to take the bottom bolt out and then its pump out the oil, slide the spring and damper rod out.
Nice shock no.2 - someone has fitted progressive fork springs instead over the OEM two piece springs these come with. The travel area of the fork is blemish free but the tops are pitted so these are going off for rechroming. Its good this web page isn't coded in HTMSmell as the black treacle that emerged from the fork tube has a truly disugusting ming to it. All of the fork parts hum quite badly!
And don't forget new genuine bushes and seals when you rebuild the forks. I would also suggest fitting Genuine Honda Rebel gaiters (I have the part No. Somewhere), the forks will last forever.
Don't bother with pattern gaiters, they haven't made them for years so even new ones perish very quickly.
And don't forget new genuine bushes and seals when you rebuild the forks. I would also suggest fitting Genuine Honda Rebel gaiters (I have the part No. Somewhere), the forks will last forever.
Don't bother with pattern gaiters, they haven't made them for years so even new ones perish very quickly.

There are no bushes on this fork that I could see - unless you mean the receptor cup that sits at the bottom of the fork lower for the damper road to sit in. I have watched a ton of videos on youtube as a total newbie to forks and was expecting some brass bush along the way..but no. That sent me to look at this...and I can't see one.
gs fork.webp
I have some pattern seals to go in and new dust covers. I did think of gaitors but I'm not so sure now. Plenty of time to think on it while I get the old seals out and clean and (lightly) polish the fork lowers.
Yep no bushes. You will need to measure the fork botton inner to make sure it is within tolerance, if it isn't but isn't ovalised when you get the stanchions rechromed ask Philpots to do them whatever measure over. Likely cheaper to get ABE legs if they do them, they are also chromed by philpots or used to be. Speak to Nick or Russ there or check Wemoto for their Slinky Guide brand which are pretty cheap.

I would just polish and wax the tops.

As there are no bushes, even more reason to fit gaiters.
Its tempting to polish the tops....but I just reviewed them again and there is definitely pitting in the travel area - minor but its there :(. I had forgotten all about Allbikes in Greenwich - ta I will give them a shout. I am probably going to need some new front discs also as mine are right on the service limit and I see they do them. EBC are £400! This is all racking up.

Never occured to me that I need to measure the fork lower inner diameter...
Its tempting to polish the tops....but I just reviewed them again and there is definitely pitting in the travel area - minor but its there :(. I had forgotten all about Allbikes in Greenwich - ta I will give them a shout. I am probably going to need some new front discs also as mine are right on the service limit and I see they do them. EBC are £400! This is all racking up.

Never occured to me that I need to measure the fork lower inner diameter...
I used to go to Allbikes in the mid eighties. It was a great breakers then. Nice to see still going.

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