
Glad you were unhurt man! I managed to spin the Audi turning into the industrial estate at the airport the other day, at very little pace. Wife was not amused. Road is like ice with diesel. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;)
Bad roundabout near me Crossgates slip onto a92, really poor surface and lots of crashes recently.

I had the rear come out on me not long after getting my toyotagt86, thought it was just me being new to rwd, was well impressed wi masel catching it though lol.

After a lot of vassalation we decided to keep one of the old Foresters in case we have a late dump of snow. Lots of longer distances that just aren't as fun in a bigger 4x4. Range Rover is coming off the road for its refurb in March.

So, looks like I may have a new project to be getting on with... :facepalm:

175cc 2-stroke single, 1976 vintage.