Most annoying parts to fit !?!


Gold Trader
What do you folks reckon is the most b*****d annoying/fiddly/angst inducing part to fit, retro or modern?

For me it is deffo bottom brackets - especially fancy ones! Don't know what it is, I check threads are cool, use grease, all the right stuff and still have a 'mare (killing a white industries shell was particularly annoying) :evil: Funnily enough never have problems with bog standard shimano.

Had to type this out to relieve tension after just spending 3/4 of an hour fitting aforementioned part (Syncros). Either that or destroy everything within a 15 foot radius :twisted: :twisted:
Chains, bloody messy work :|

really hard to keep oil off the living room carpet :shock:
Internal brake cable on Klein (when you've accidently pulled the guide tube out)
Aluminum brake off bolts in shimano rear mechs, nearly there, nearly there, whoops, bits everywhere :x
gotta be servicing crappy mid range forks for some of the clampit kids that come in the shop who think they know it all and expect miracles from nothing. surpice myself when i pull it off thow lol they never say thanks ever just what took you so long :LOL: :LOL: :evil: :evil: :LOL: :evil: :LOL:
I broke a plate in the spring retention mechanism of a ritchey pedal and decided to replace it with a new one myself.
Never ever again.

I go nuts when I cut a cable and one single thread spirals backwards - I then spend 20 minutes trying to chase it and coax it back into shape - rarely with success...

I also hate trying to attach a seat to a range of seatclamps - notably early Control Tech and USE...


jez-2-many-bikes":t5jyz27n said:
pedals are a pain when they are stupidly tight and you have taken the other crank off (doh!)

funny Jez, I'd thought you would have said U-brakes :LOL: