Modern bike saddle dilemma...

What does my Arse deserve?

  • Modern saddles be betterer

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Every saddle should be a Flite

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters


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Modern bike...

Modern saddle (likely a Selle SLR) or a Re-issue Flite?

I've only really used flites in recent history, and the saddle the bike came with doesn't suit (mainly because when wet the rubberised saddle grips my shorts and tries to expose my buttocks!) so I'm shopping for a saddle. I love my Flites, but wonder if there is better out there. I do have a Selle San Marco Era that isn't bad, but just isn't 'Flite comfy'. Selle Italia SLRs seem to get great reviews...

But really, would an old flite look out of place on a modern bike? I'm super-vain.


No, it wouldnt look out of place. A rolls or turbo might, but a flite could easily be a modern saddle
What CCE said. ^^^

If a Flite is what works for you then Flite it should be. They don't look that out of date anyway in my opinion.
They still make flites dont they? so not really old, and still look good imo. A lot of people go on about Charge saddles, which look a bit flite-ish, never tried one myself but saddles are a personall thing really, if the flite fits then go with that.
I actually had a charge spoon a few years back.

Hated it. HATED it. Too much flare at the back so rubbed the inner/back of my legs raw, and the seams were in the wrong place and irritated too. Gave it away in the end.
Can't bear Flites. They just aren't me-shaped. San Marco Regal or C40 for me. FOrtunately they have done a more modern Regal - the Regale - which looks nice on a newer machine and is a tad lighter too.

For me, modern saddles are more comfy. Ran a Flite bitd and still have it buried somewhere, but couldn’t use one now. Nothing wrong with it aesthetic wise on a new bike, but better options out there.
I’m a fan of WTB and a hater of Charge (or Fabric as they’re known now).

Most big stores now have arse-o-meters to measure your sit width. Sounds like a load of crap but having tried it and moved to a saddle 2cm wider, I can say it made a big difference. Hips don’t roll when pedalling and a lot more supportive.
Big Selle dealers usually have a demo fleet as well, so you can try different models on your own bike. Bontrager and Specialized do the same.