misterious mountain bike


Retro Newbie
hello i can´t find any information about this bike
can you help me out?
thanks in advance



the bike says Jolmo i think. I only see those pics of her! can you tell me more about the drivetrain? i looks like a cheap bike.

hello again
I call the builder that is portuguese and he said that bike was built with oria cromoly.Can someone tell me more about it? price range. The rear derailler is a shiumano m200. any thoughs about the bike are welcome.

ps. the bike is from the mid 80´s i think the owner told me about 86. the drivetrain and wheels will be grease the chain replaced so the bike price is reflected almost on the frame.

M200 (200gs ?) and many parts are from around 90-92.

Which is also around the time people where playing with elevated chainstay designs.

What's the rear tyre, the rest is the highest quality junk you can get. M200 is the range of bargain basement bikes BiTD.