my question is... why somebody is trying to sell my bike?... and gaining extra profit!!!
Ebay listing + gumtree is mine...
1. True - i bought bike form ebay for £80 (Ithought it was a good deal), when collected it turned up nearly everything required work... :evil: bottom bracket, new rear wheel, casette, cables, new rear mech tyres, tubes... etc whole bike required work... completely split down to bits, to a single screw, bolt... bike in poor condition... I have some photos always do them before any work started... you can view my profile on pink bike
2. I bought it for myself (to abuse as a second bike - sorrry) but any bike I repair and after use should be in at last good visual and very good mechanical order... cant let me down on the trail
3. would I travel from Morecambe to Bristol wasting petrol to make a small profit no way... ??? not worth it
4. before I decided to sell it I spent more on it, then I am asking for it... count yourself (especially that I not been really bothered about the cost)... I do not take into consideration petrol and my time
5. As I have other bikes too, and need money I decided to sell this one...
6. So please tell me am I asking for too much ??? As I said to somebody from ebay £280 cash outside ebay...