Millington Aftermath


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
GT Fan
Thanks to everyone who braved the torrential rain for todays ride, the conditions were pretty terrible but I thoroughly enjoyed none the less.

Hope fully Ben and Spud got some good pics so over to you guys.

Here are Dans pics :)



Great views

The storm clouds gather once again

Stuart taking a well deserved breather!


Great ride thanks guys. , would like to do it again in the dry and warm tho. Thanks again for the loan of your Marin too Chris ,
Well it was a fun, miserable, fun and sunny, miserable wet, fun then washout of a ride lol

Glad i went but was even more glad to get home haha!

Got some awesome shots which make it look like it was a hot dry sunny summers day, with the odd stalkerish type rainclouds following us!

First little rest stop/strip off waterproof layers and gloves..

Ooh look, a bouncy marin..

Ooh look, another bouncy marin..

Stu's catalogue pose..

Ben wondering, why the hell did he bring this old relic, when he can afford new light comfy bikes...

James, looking fantastically pleased that he had left his mrs in a nice warm bed and come out to ride with the boys, maybe..

OOhh, look, another bouncy marin..

Then James decided to have a sudden dismount and a lay down..

But the scenery was definately worth getting out for..

Huddling up before making a dash for it as the rain gave chase..

It caught us..

Quick, its dry over here, crack on..

Dave's field..

Then it turned dry..

And sunny..

More pretty scenery..



Yeah, this hill was steep lol...

Uh oh, thats that storm cloud again, he's found us..

Stu's Diamond Back..

Ben's Rocky Mountain and Chris's Marin East Peak (Dan's ride for the day)..

Chris's other Marin East Peak..

James' Orange UFO..

And lastly my Marin Rift Zone..

Hill climb challenge..

Then that horrible cloud loomed over us, again!..

Further on and we had outrun the cloud and found blue sky and sun again..

We were all eating biscuits and no one would share, so james sulked off up a hill..

Screw you guys, im staying here..

A man on a hill, on a bike, sulking..

But then we told him we were kidding and he could have a biscuit..

And couldnt get off his bike fast enough..

I sneaked off up the hill whilst everyone else was mincing around..

Dan wished he had brought his kona, which was lighter and easier to shove up hills..

And unfortunately, this one is my parting shot, i had meant to get more pics as we were only about halfway round by this point, but the second half was a torrential downpour and i didnt want to risk getting my camera out again, sorry boys..


Good photos mate, however I can't remember seeing any blue sky lol, did you Google them pics? Haha
Absolutely fantastic posts guys. The pictures are brilliant the ride looks as amazing as I remember it.

Well done chaps.

Fantastic pics Spud!!

You are now the official LESY photographer, well done mate :D