Might as well be a virgin looking for advice

Goretex Army/Navy/RAF surplus - the last two have the advantage of not usually being in camo patterns - but plain blues/blacks.

Also look for secondhand stuff on eBay/vinted - sometimes goes for peanuts.

Don't pay too much for your first bike. You might not like it. The stretched out racier positions of our youth are not always so kind to older bodies.
Wow, I never expected this.. thanks very much for both your time and advice folks..
It's kind of funny because my other hobby is air rifle target shooting and my own first bit of advice to anybody is don't over think it and to go with flow to let the finer details become apparent in time...
Clearly I never followed my own advice and massively overthought the whole thing here.
Lots of food for thought and many things to look into for kit especially with what I might already own.

This is why I prefer to use dedicated forums for help, you guys truly are the salt of the earth!

Many thanks again and my very best regards